Heated Sample Tray (patent-pending)
The HTX M5-Sprayer features an optional heated sample tray that allows for precise control of sample temperature while depositing MALDI matrix. The heated tray was conceptualized as a way to help users achieve high spatial resolution images by enabling even matrix deposition, while controlling the rate at which matrix crystals form. While some matrices easily form into fine crystals, many commonly used MALDI matrices, such as DHB, form large, needle-shaped crystals. Using the HTX heated sample tray lets users easily crystallize a variety of MALDI matrices to acquire high resolution MALDI images.
App Note #41
Describes some of the first data acquired using the HTX M5 Sprayer heated sample tray, demonstrating improved MALDI image resolution.
Data and images in Application Note #41 are courtesy of Dr. Bingming Chen Department of Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Drug Metabolism, Merck Research Laboratories, West Point, PA 19486, USA.